
Clears items from player inventory. Can also detect and query the amount of specified items.


Can remove items in the inventory lists specified by the "Clear Lists" setting. This defaults to main,craft,offhand.


clear [<targets>] [<item>] [<maxCount>]


<targets> Selector

Specifies the player(s) whose items are cleared. If not specified, defaults to the player who executes the command.

<item> Item

Specifies the item to be cleared. If not specified, or if *, all items are cleared.

If any metadata is included (including just [], the item must match exactly; otherwise, only the names must match.

Supports group:groupname syntax (but ignores metadata when using it).

<maxCount> Number

Specifies the maximum number of items to be cleared. If not specified, or if -1, all items that match [item] are cleared. If 0, instead of clearing items, detects and queries the amount of specified items.


  • To clear your entire inventory: clear

  • To clear all items from Alice's inventory: clear Alice

  • To clear all wool items from Alice's inventory: clear Alice group:wool

  • To clear all orange wool items from the inventory of all players: clear @a wool:orange

  • To clear all green wooden pickaxes from the nearest player

    • clear @p default:pick_wood[color=green]

  • To test if a random player has stone in their inventory: clear @r default:stone 0




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