Data types

A list of data types.


Any single word (whitespace at the beginning and end is ignored)





Long string

Any text (whitespace at the beginnning and end is ignored). Long strings are always the last argument in a command.



another example

12983 plus eighty-nine = thirteen thousand and 72


Any positive or negative number from -99,999,999,999,999 (negative 100 trillion + 1) to 100,000,000,000,000. (100 trillion)






Either a number or values in the format [min]..[max]. Only one of [min] and [max] is required. Ranges are inclusive.


6 (matches exactly 6)

3..5 (matches any number between 3 and 5, inclusive)

-293.5.. (matches any number greater than or equal to -293.5

...4 (matches any number less than or equal to .4)

1..-1 (matches no numbers, since no numbers are >= 1 but <= -1)


Either true or false.


A position is a set of three values intended to be used as x, y, and z coordinates (in that order).


  • North: +Z (note that in ACOVG, north and south are reversed)

  • South: -Z

  • East: +X

  • West: -X

  • Up: +Y

  • Down: -Y

There are three possible value types that can be used as coordinates:

Absolute coordinates (numbers)

Absolute coordinates are used to specify an exact position in the world. They are just numbers.


1 50 7 means the position {x=1, y=50, z=7}.

-23.52 38.8 0 means the position {x=-23.52, y=38.8, z=0}

Relative coordinates (tilde notation)

Relative coordinates are used to specify a coordinate relative to where the command is executed. Relative coordinates are preceded by a tilde (~). You can combine relative coordinates with absolute coordinates.


~ ~5 ~ means the position 5 nodes above the execution position.

~-2 ~ 25 means the position 2 nodes in the -X direction from the execution position, with the Z coordinate replaced with 25. At {x=3, y=5, z=-3.5}, this would evaluate to {x=1, y=5, z=25}.

Local coordinates (caret notation)

Local coordinates are used to specify a coordinate relative to the execution position and rotation. It's similar to relative coordinates, except the execution rotation is treated as the Z-axis. Local coordinates are preceded with a caret (^). You cannot combine local coordinates with absolute or relative coordinates.


^ ^ ^5 Five nodes "forward"

^ ^-5 ^ Five nodes "down"

^-2 ^ ^ Two nodes "left"


One or two values, intended to be used as yaw (left/right rotation) and sometimes pitch (up/down rotation). Values are in degrees, and support tilde (relative) notation.


  • North: Yaw = 0

  • West: Yaw = 90

  • South: Yaw = 180

  • East: Yaw = 270

  • Up: Pitch = 90 (maximum for players is 89.5)

  • Down: Pitch = -90 (minimum for players is -89.5)


45: Northwest

~45: 45 degrees counterclockwise from the current direction

180 -90: Facing south and down

~1 ~-1 (1 degree counterclockwise and one degree up from the current direction)


See Target Selectors.


An itemstring or item alias, with optional metadata in [square brackets]. Nodes support param1 and param2 being set this way.

Items can also be specified with a count and wear value, such as default:pick_wood 1 65535

Item Examples

default:dirt = dirt

dirt = dirt (alias)

dirt[color=green] = green dirt

dirt[color=green] 24 = 24 green dirt

default:pick_wood[color=green] 1 32768 = a green half-worn wooden pickaxe

Node Examples

default:dirt = dirt

default:water_flowing[param2=3] = flowing water (level 3)

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