
Plays a specified sound to a player or in a location, and at a specific volume and pitch.


playsound <sound> (<targets>|<pos>) [<volume>] [<pitch>] [<maxDistance>]


<sound> String

Specifies the sound to play. Should be the filename of a sound (minus the extension), basically the same thing used for minetest.sound_play

<targets> Selector

Specifies the entities at whose position the sound will play.

<pos> Position

Specifies the position to play the sounds from.

<volume> Number

Specifies the value by which the volume will be multiplied. 1 is normal, 0.5 is half, 2 is double.

<pitch> Number

Specifies the value by which the pitch will be multiplied. 1 is normal, 0.5 is an octave down, 2 is an octave up.

<maxDistance> Number

The maximum distance from <pos> or <targets> at which the sound can still be heard.


To play the sound of TNT igniting 3 nodes behind the nearest player:

/execute as @p at @s run playsound tnt_ignite ^ ^ ^-3




Added /playsound

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