
Controls teams.


team list [<team>]

Lists all teams, with their display names and the amount of entities in them. The optional [team] can be used to specify a particular team.

team add <team> [<displayName>]

Creates a team with the given name and optional display name. [displayName] defaults to <team> when unspecified.

team remove <team>

Deletes the specified team.

team empty <team>

Removes all members from the named team.

team join <team> [<members>]

Assigns the specified entities to the specified team. If no entities are specified, makes the executor join the team.

team leave [<members>]

Makes the specified entities leave their teams. If no entities are specified, makes the executor leave their team.

team modify <team> <option> <value>

Modifies the options of the specified team.


<team> String

Specifies the name of a team.

Must be a single word containing only alphanumeric characters and underscores.

<displayName> Long string

Specifies the team name to be displayed.

<members> Selector or (../data-types.md#string)

Specifies the entities to join or leave the team.

It must be either a target selector, a fake player name, or * for all score holders being tracked by the scoreboard system. Named players do not have to be online.


A specific option to change.

Value must be one of the following:

  • displayName: Set the display name of the team.

  • color: Decide the color of the team and players in chat and on the sidebar.

  • friendlyFire: Enable/Disable players inflicting damage on each other when on the same team. In non-MineClone games, only affects direct damage (so players can still use arrows or other things).

  • nameFormat: Set how player names appear in chat and the sidebar.


Specifies the value to set <option> to.

Shown below are the values for each option.

  • For displayName:

    • <displayName>: Long string - specifies the team name to be displayed.

  • For color:

    • <color>: String - Must be a valid team color.

  • For friendlyFire:

    • <allowed>: Boolean

      • true - (Default) Enables players inflicting damage on each other when in the same team.

      • false - Disable players inflicting damage on each other when in the same team.

  • For nameFormat:

    • <nameFormat>: Long string - Any string, where any instance of %s is replaced with the player's name.

      • A player named ThePython on a team with the format [ADMIN] %s the Great would appear as [ADMIN] ThePython the Great.




Added /team1

Last updated